Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2024: Boosting affordable and longer-term financing for Governments
The Survey, published annually since 1947, is a flagship publication produced by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). It provides analyses to guide policy discussion on the current and emerging socio-economic issues and policy challenges to support sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.
The Race to Net Zero: Accelerating Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific
The theme study sets out the transformations that are needed for Asia and the Pacific to transition to a net-zero-carbon future in support of sustainable development.
ESCAP Progress Report on Gender Mainstreaming 2022
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020, ESCAP has made significant progress towards the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls within the context of the System-Wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-SWAP).
Female labour force participation in the care economy in Asia and the Pacific
This policy brief examines the low rate of female labour force participation in Asia and the Pacific and its correlation with persistent inequalities in the distribution of care responsibilities between men and women as well as the society and the State. The research presented here highlights the critical role of unpaid care work in the promotion of female participation in the labour market.
Gender Equality and Climate Change
This policy brief aims to raise awareness of and spur regional action towards addressing the gender-differentiated impacts of climate change in Asia and the Pacific.
Strengthening women's entrepreneurship in micro, small and medium enterprise policies and action plans: Toolkit for policymakers
The Policy Toolkit project was initiated by ESCAP under the Catalyzing Women’s Entrepreneurship (CWE) Programme, in partnership with the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (ACCMSME) to advocate women entrepreneur-centric policies and initiatives in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region.
Valuing and Investing in Unpaid Care and Domestic Work - Country Case Study: Cambodia
This case study on Cambodia enhances ESCAP’s technical and advisory assistance to its member States, in particular aligning with the ASEAN region’s efforts to bring care to the centre of public policy.
Valuing and Investing in Unpaid Care and Domestic Work - Country Case Study: Philippines
This case study on the Philippines enhances ESCAP’s technical and advisory assistance to its member States, in particular aligning with the ASEAN region’s efforts to bring care to the centre of public policy.
How to Invest in the Care Economy: A Primer
This primer is designed to support policymakers and government officials in their efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality and empowerment of women in their countries. It lays out the basic concepts relating to what is called the “care economy” —the sum total of all paid and unpaid care work.
Inequality of Opportunity: Who Are Those Left Behind in Tuvalu
Through two new methodological tools, it is possible to identify the furthest behind in a range of development areas. The groups which are furthest behind are defined by common circumstances over which the individual has little or no direct control, such as their household’s wealth, their sex or their place of residence.