The blogs have independent authorship.

Robots to the rescue: Can AI clean up household labour gaps?
Imagine a world where cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping are no longer all-consuming recurrent chores. This vision is fast becoming a reality as the rapid evolution of automation and artificial intelligence transforms households across the Asia-Pacific region.

Why Social Protection is Essential for Women's Autonomy in Asia and the Pacific
Extending women’s access to social protection can help ensure their income security and autonomy, a rebalancing of their care work and a breakdown of deep-rooted and discriminatory gender norms and attitudes.

Harnessing finance to prevent gender-based violence
Gender-based violence (GBV) denotes harmful behaviors aimed at individuals or groups based on their gender, stemming from inequalities, power abuse, and harmful societal norms. It highlights the structural disparities in power between genders, placing women and girls at risk of various forms of violence.
Gender Equality Enables a Just Energy Transition
Gender equality lies at the heart of a just energy transition. Yet, women continue to be largely marginalized – despite their critical roles as consumers, workers and leaders – within the efforts and institutions driving the shift toward clean energy.
Women as energy users

Making space applications work for women in agriculture
When the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, orbited the Earth in 1963, there were only three active Earth observation satellites. Today, the number is 114 times greater.

Towards a brighter future: Pathways to gender equality in Asia and the Pacific
Thirty years ago, 189 governments unanimously adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a progressive global blueprint for the advancement of women. Yet, across Asia and the Pacific, gender inequality stubbornly persists within homes, workplaces and public life.

Effectively supporting women micro entrepreneurs with gender sensitive financial products and services
The financing needs of entrepreneurs varies depending on business size, reason for starting a business and opportunities for enterprise growth. Typically, necessity-driven entrepreneurs start a business venture to support themselves and their families’ livelihoods when there is a lack of decent employment opportunities.

On the road towards our Common Future: Snapshot on how megatrends affect the advancement of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Asia and the Pacific
The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, adopted in 1995 during the Fourth World Conference on Women, remains a cornerstone in the global pursuit of gender equality and women's empowerment.
From necessity to opportunity: Supporting women entrepreneurs at all levels to thrive
The motivations that drive women to pursue entrepreneurial aspirations vary as widely as the businesses they operate.

Building inclusive smart cities: Bridging the gender gap
When the Beijing Declaration was adopted in 1995, it called for the removal of systematic and structure barriers that prevent women and girls from enjoying their human rights across social, economic, political and environmental domains.